Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood

Everyone has a bad date story. Believe me, I’ve had my share of horror. It has always been a toss up between two dates:
1) The date that lasted a total of 1 hour from pick up to drop off and included dinner at Rumbi’s (one of my least favorite places to eat).
2) The marathon date that lasted 10 hours and felt like 20 years.

And then last night came and sealed the deal… crowning itself worst date in HISTORY! Honestly, if there would have been a Hudson, I would have ditched…

Chad (29) assured me that he could remember the two lefts and a right it took to get from the freeway to my house; he couldn’t so I ended up walking to the nearest major street for a pick up…. I felt like a hooker…. Strike 1.

Chad didn’t have any plans, but REALLY had his heart set on Applebee’s… WHERE I PAID … Strike 2,3, 4, 5 and 6. but, being the chivalrous man that he was, he offered to leave the tip, making it clear he only offered because he “happen to have 5 bucks in [his] wallet that [his] dad had given [him]”… Strike 7.

After I paid the tab, Chad wanted to go miniature golfing, Mulligans and Boondocks were both closed for the evening (whew! I saved another 20 bucks!), so Chad decided to take the opportunity to ask me a few questions about myself (the first of the night.. 2.5 hours into the date). He asked a total of 3 and not wanting too much information, stuck to the usual get to know you questions, “Where do you work?” “Do you have a degree?” “Do you own you’re place?” and then proceeded to chastise me for “wasting” my money on a college degree and for buying a townhome. Chad rents, but if he didn’t, he assured me he wouldn’t throw his money away on a townhome that “looks like an apartment”. Hmm…. I get the feeling chad doesn't like to throw his money away on anything… even his favorite meal at Applebee’s…Strike, 21, 22…. 39, 40.

He obviously wasn’t into me (feelings were mutual), which is fine, I’ve read the book and seen the movie, I realize I’m the rule… but Chad felt the need to drag the date on and suggested finding a park. At this point, I felt I’d put out enough for the night and asked Chad to take me home.

He literally dropped me off. I don’t know if I was expecting/wanting him to walk me to the door; he hadn’t opened one door for me all night, so walking me to the door was a bit of a s-t-r-e-t-c-h, but something in me was still holding out for some inkling of goodness in him… and men in general… Strike 88.

Did I mention Chad’s a HUGE Prince fan Strike 99, 100.


jill said...

damn, that seriously is a really bad date!!! Where did you find this loser?? and can you set me up? jk, really please don't :)

sarahbrowniz said...

1. I have yet to meet a chad that I like.

2. I'm sorry that night sucked so expensively.

3. I can't believe he actually picked you up on the street. . . I'm adding strikes 101-144. Just because I can.

You have such good stories. Love you.

Kate said...

I totally forgot to check on this....it was amazing....what a tribute kiddo! hahahah

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

I'm just now catching up on the blog, sorry. :) This was a duesy. :)

Whitney said...

holy crap you win! worse date ever. although i have been on one where i had to pay too and it was a blind date and then he tried to get fresh with me... um NO! and did i mention he was a ginger kid? not happening.

but yours was bad. really bad, but so fun to read! ;)